Talk about timing!!! I have to admit what the others who are participating are saying runs very true for me as well.
I find I have more time for things at home and I am getting more projects done. Let's still pray that I find my OS restore disk so we don't have to spend good money on buying another one!!

Stay tuned!! I will be back hopefully very soon!!


Sweet Caroline said...

I saw the unplug thing....too much of a coward to try to do it. I would get so much done. I really need to try it.

I have hit the library many times, too. It is like the computer has this hidden pull...

The Barts said...

Miss you! :)

Sarah said...

I miss you guys too! I have now been without a computer for almost 2 weeks! Shocking! It is getting harder since I have to be on top of what I need to get done as I will have kids running amuck in the library! Paying bills and keeping track of my account is more complicated than I expected!!

the wild raspberry said...

sorry to hear of your computer woes...hope to hear from you soon.