Have you ever tried to duplicate PE at home with your kids? It can be difficult to play dodgeball if you only have two kids! Creativity is a must but it can be difficult to come up with something that works for various ages, interests and strength level.

Introducing GoTrybe! An innovative website that is reaching out to all school age kids from K - 12th. GoTrybe’s mission is to share fun, exciting workouts and activities, helping kids and parents to learn about healthy living. They are doing it in a great way I must add! It starts with choosing your avatar...every kids favorite part of a new website! Then you can go to a workout for your age group based on your user information. There are daily routines or you can mark your favorites and do them again in the future. The workouts are instructor lead videos with the same age kids in the video doing the workout as well. They include a warm-up, cardio, strength and flexibility. (We were reviewing Trybe180 age group so that is what we had available, this may be different for the younger age groups.)

GoTrybe has programs available for different age groups:

ZooDoos is for the elementary ages, K-5th grade
Trybe180 is for middle school ages, 6th-8th grade
NexTrybe is for high school ages, 9th-12th grade

My son LOVED gotrybe! I definitely plan on signing him for a year membership! He enjoyed getting up each morning and doing his workout first thing. I liked knowing that he was getting exercise every single day regardless of the weather outside or our schedule.

Go to www.gotrybe.com and look for Fit Fozzie to sign up for a 1-day free trial, after that a one-year subscription is $19.95.

I am a member of The Old Schoolhouse 2010-2011 Crew and receive free products and services in exchange for my thorough use and honest review of them. My reviews will always reflect my honest opinions, findings, beliefs and experiences on the products and services that I receive.